Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Kevin is a Deacon

Kevin recently turned 12 and was ordained a Deacon. He was so excited! In our ward, when kids graduate from Primary, if they are able to recite all 13 Articles of Faith, they are given the choice of either cutting our Bishop's tie or keeping it. He recited all 13 in order from memory and chose to cut the tie rather than keep it. Now he wishes he had kept it. Afterwards, the Deacon's Quorum came and "kidnapped" him away to Priesthood for the first time. Since Troy and I serve in Primary, we watched him go. It was kind of bittersweet.

On February 3rd, he passed the Sacrament for the first time. He was very excited and a little nervous. It turned out most of us had the flu over the weekend, so he got a ride with a friend to church. I snuck in the back of the chapel so I could be there for his first time. He was glad I was there. So was I. He said he really enjoyed doing it, was a little nervous, and a lot proud of himself. He said it felt good to be doing it.

My boy is growing up.


jani said...

my boys will never get THAT old, right?? *sniff*sniff*

Kim and Aaron W. said...

What an honor! Wish we could have been there for that!

The Browers said...

Kevin, you are awesome! Our boys watch everything you do! Keep up the good work! We love you tons!